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Washer Jet/Nozzle 5th

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2018 3:22 pm
by MumsPrelude

Just got a beat up Prelude for my mum. Needs lots of work doing to it. could someone point me in the direction of washer jets! Just a basic part but google or ebay weren't my friends. are they compatible with a more common honda? I did a search but didn't see anyting

Re: Washer Jet/Nozzle 5th

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2018 6:32 pm
by mills
I'm not sure about compatibility as alot of honda have the jets that attach to the top of the bonnet or scuttle panel, where as the 5th gen jets attach to the under side of the bonnet.

I've got 1 or 2 spare sets knocking about somewhere though bud if that's any good to you :?:

Re: Washer Jet/Nozzle 5th

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2018 10:11 pm
by wurlycorner
Hi and welcome.

5g ones aren't generally ones that people swap out, for the reasons mills has mentioned above - whereas 4g swap outs with Jazz ones is a common swap.

If they're blocked, should be able to unblock them with a sewing needle/compressed air?

Washer Jet/Nozzle 5th

Posted: Sun May 10, 2020 10:44 am
by EddieMunster
wurlycorner wrote:
Sat Dec 29, 2018 10:11 pm
If they're blocked, should be able to unblock them with a sewing needle/compressed air?
Had to do mine for the MOT, needed a 2hp compressor on full chat to blow them out!! :-)

Washer Jet/Nozzle 5th

Posted: Sun May 10, 2020 11:32 am
by Andyjess666
Boil them in pan then poke with needle does the trick for me as I haven't got compressed air maybe after a curry I have :lol:

Washer Jet/Nozzle 5th

Posted: Sun May 10, 2020 12:24 pm
by Scott560
sometimes if a blockage has made its way down the pipe, i find the best method is to put them in very hot water, then with a very long piece of silicon tube, suck the blockage out...

Trying to force it out with compressed air might just block it more. But definitely a rinse out in the sink with some very hot water is the key. Normally its clogged with biofilm so the heat is a good shifter in my experience. Once the blockage is gone, you can rinse it through with either compressed air or water...

Always using high strength screen wash is a must - brother in laws beemer recently had to have a new washer tank and pump fitted, he ran it low, and where it runs close to the exhaust manifold, it just turned to gunk.