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Corona - who is doing what?

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2020 7:01 pm
by Scott560
lol, the swear filter has replaced STA NCE with 'broken suspenionl look' lmao

Corona - who is doing what?

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2020 7:27 pm
by Andyjess666
Working as normal like Drax hasn't really hit here as of yet like London but it does give you guys mo excuses to do all those jobs on the lude you been putting off

Corona - who is doing what?

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2020 10:43 am
by Drax
Scott560 wrote:
Thu Mar 19, 2020 7:00 pm
ATR84 wrote:
Thu Mar 19, 2020 3:54 pm
Sorry to hear about those that are struggling as a result of this :(

I manage software development teams and projects for a living which can easily be done remotely, most of us work from home at least once a week anyway so although it is disruptive to a point, it has not yet caused anyone to lose their job.

I just hope things recover to some kind of normality sooner rather than later!
One of the benefits to working in IT (me to)!. It will truly suck for people who are unable to absorb any shocks or get laid off as a result. My wife works for a retailer - they will feel the pinch for sure - and front line staff most likely to feel the brunt of the mitigation first (luckily she wont but that's a selfish broken suspension look to take).

So far, 2nd day of working from home - its OK. Got the tunes on, heating on , control of the lunch menu heh. 12 weeks might be a stretch, but the first few should be ok - as long as the weather picks up!
i work in IT as well, we're one of the lucky ones as you say!

Corona - who is doing what?

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2020 8:07 pm
by nitin_s1
Postmen and women are still out there delivering as usual. :crazy:

Corona - who is doing what?

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2020 11:09 pm
by Sailor
My son was at a German supermarket checkout behind an old fellow and a family of four. The older man had few things on the conveyor, the family loads - including the shop's last two huge packs of loo rolls. Family dad sees the old chap looking wistfully at these packs, then moves the 'next customer' divide so that one of the packs was now with the much smaller pile.
Beams and thanks all round. Excellent.

Now, here's a challenge for the mechanically gifted among you. Corona viruses got their generic name because their little glycoprotein spikes make them look a bit like a crown. Who can develop tiny scissors that can cut off these spikes?

More seriously, my wife's retail business may not survive this thing without the external financial help that government representatives are throwing into their airy speeches. We'll see.

Lastly, here's a post from the Volvo forum:

Well, I finally lost my temper!!!!
Was just in Tesco. Saw a man whose cart was FULL to the brim with hand sanitizers, baby wipes, soaps, everything that people need!!
I called him a selfish @#$%&, and gave him a low down about the elderly, mums, and people who need these types of things. Told him he should be ashamed of himself!
He said: “Are you done? Cause I really need to get back to filling the shelves now...”

Corona - who is doing what?

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2020 11:13 pm
by robbie_f
Here in Ireland things are starting to ramp up. Im working in front line emergency services and theres an unusual sense of calm and quiet at the moment amongst the public, but behind the scenes its pure panic. My wife is working from home, kids are at home with her and im the only one going out. Prelude is in its constant stasis in the garage lol

Corona - who is doing what?

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2020 11:19 pm
by Edam
I work for a company called corona shoot me now the jokes are getting old :cry:

Corona - who is doing what?

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2020 10:41 am
by simonc
Hope you're all keeping on truckin' and your loved ones are avoiding the bugs. :thumbup:

Corona - who is doing what?

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2020 11:30 am
by tom023
We've been in state of emergency for a week now and quarantined since Wednesday. At first not everyone was on board with the whole be conscious of the situation thing (staying in, hygiene, less contact...etc.), but once people realised the how serious the situation is they have caught on. People are still getting fined 600+€ for being in the street without good reason though.
The drastic measures taken haven't flattened the curve of infection rate yet but it should be only a matter of time. We'll hopefully see results as of next week.

I'm still at work as normal as the majority of our clients are in the food industry, my girlfriend's a teacher and she's at home going nutty as schools are closed.
From what I can see on the news the UK is 1-2 weeks behind Spain regarding the spread. Follow the guidelines and take it seriously, it's not just a flu as many say at the beginning and the situation nose dives very quickly without people realising.

Stay safe, all the best!

Corona - who is doing what?

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2020 11:33 am
by Gayno
Drax wrote:
Fri Mar 20, 2020 10:43 am
i work in IT as well, we're one of the lucky ones as you say!
Me too! I'm in implementation though, so usual work is installing kit at customer premises.

Week long project would normally see us at site everyday, but we have now changed practice so we will go to site first day to physically install the kit (providing the customer is adhering to guidelines on hygiene) and then we're performing the rest from home.

We've also got around 80% of our staff working remotely, which is unheard of previous to this.