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Hi Hi Hi guys and happy new year....

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2020 8:31 am
by simonc
@vanzep, Good morning, Nick and it's great to see you again, hope all's well your end. Yes, I'm still a big fan of the NHS and I'm pleased to hear your mum and dad have been taken care of so well. We're lucky to have such a system and although the NHS takes some flak, ninety-nine per cent of the time they do a damn fine job for the majority of us that need it.
And here's a little note to all the fine folks on LG who I've grown to admire these past few years: I'm afraid I oversimplified my prognosis when I first came back to Blighty. While the initial treatments went well, I kind of got carried away with an upturn in my condition and didn't stop to think of the longer term. Then things took a turn for the worse, not immediately, but a slow debilitating decline that meant a long period of backwards and forwards to Huddersfield Royal Infirmary for a series of treatments and stays that took me out of a normal life for quite a period of time. I won't bore everyone to death with it but I'm afraid it wasn't exactly fun. Time just seemed to drag and I seemed to lock myself away from any type of social interaction, it was not much fun at all.
Again, I can't fault the fine guys and gals of the nursing staff at HRI and St James' in Leeds. Great folks everyone of them. So, here I am, back up and running and motivated to get myself back on my feet again. I've just moved into a new office and am about to launch a new venture, more an online offering which I'll detail in the " Member's Business" slot.
So please forgive my radio silence although I think I have a semi-reasonable excuse :D
(And I promise not to talk about my bloody medical woes ever again, those days are now long gone.) :thumbup: