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Bloody potholes

Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2024 12:03 pm
by simonc
I am sick and bloody tired of driving on West Yorkshire roads living in fear of that sickening 'kerunch' as I run over yet another pothole or deep trench. I obviously don't know what you guys are experiencing but it strikes me that roads are getting worse and the local council or highways agency don't do a damn thing about them. I'm fed up of swerving like a slalom skier and constantly looking over my bonnet to see where the next sink hole has opened up.
Are you guys seeing the same thing in your area, or is it just the skinflints in Yorkshire that don't give a toss about our roads?

Bloody potholes

Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2024 12:43 pm
by Scott560
Fairly bad in places in Oxfordshire. Was told at work it's my electric e, a heavy electric car which is destroying the road whilst paying no road tax. Weighs less than the idiots Renault Laguna. Flashed my tax reminder at him for the prelude, over 300quid whilst doing bugger all miles.

Bloody potholes

Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2024 1:29 pm
by Andyjess666
No different in north west mate alot of roads look like the moon lol

Bloody potholes

Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2024 3:03 pm
by simonc
Yes, a moonscape is a good analogy. Even on the road where I live, which is not what anyone would call a 'through road' or a 'rat-run road' , there have been three or four holes in the past few months. I don't know who fills them, or when they do it, but it seems as though they're just stuffed with Tarmac (probably some left-overs they have lying around) and a few weeks later, the stuffing has come out and the hole is back even worse than it was when it first appeared. Apologies for the moaning but it just seems like the roads are getting more and more third-world by the month. :evil:
Rant over.

Bloody potholes

Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2024 3:39 pm
by Andyjess666
Whole country is turning into third world state ,I used to live in Halifax up in illlingworth the roads round there weren't to bad then .

Bloody potholes

Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2024 5:36 pm
by Hagland-BB4
Was just doing this today in Brighton. Defiantly getting worse and I'm getting fed up too.
Getting to the point where it is not nice to drive. Even worse on my motorcycles.