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MIMMS Honda at Santa Pod 16th April 2023

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2023 12:24 pm
by Captainfrost4WS
What time are we aiming to arrive? Have we got a layout or just a matter of asking directions when we arrive?

MIMMS Honda at Santa Pod 16th April 2023

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2023 1:39 pm
by Scott560
Tickets say gates open from 8am.

I have no details about where our pitch will be - if you identify as 'honda prelude owners club' as per the ticket, you should be directed to the area we have.

I doubt I will get there for bang on 8am. Its a 90min drive for me plus the e will need a bit of a charge somewhere along the way so its topped up ready for the run up the strip (its a fair bit slower when its only 20% charged!)

MIMMS Honda at Santa Pod 16th April 2023

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2023 3:52 pm
by Captainfrost4WS
It's probably about 90 mins for me too, so an early start. Looking forward to it. Let's hope for a dry day.

MIMMS Honda at Santa Pod 16th April 2023

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2023 4:17 pm
by Vtecmec
I got there at gate opening last year, no cues but no one from LG either until about 10:30. :lol:

MIMMS Honda at Santa Pod 16th April 2023

Posted: Sun Apr 16, 2023 7:36 pm
by Scott560
A good day and a decent turn out! Bit of a long day with a 6am departure from home and fit in a 45 minute charge/nap on the way.

I did 1 run up the strip in the lude, murdering the clutch all the way up the (lovely smell). 16.77 @88mph , clutch isn't completely killed, but it won't want any more launches now until its replaced. Still managed to beat the civic coupe though so every cloud lol.

Did 9 runs in the e, 15.44@87 was the best time. surprisingly quick, perfect launch every time (no skill required). All times were 15.4 or 15.5. I recon on 100% charge it'd have a 15.3 in it. Should have looked to see if I could plug into the wind turbine lol.

Sorry I didn't spend too much time chatting with everyone, Not sure who the red 4th gen belonged to or if the mint blue 5th gen that joined us was someone in the list above (but had a chat with him/his son). Good to catchup with Luke as well briefly again (sorry to have called you Chris, too many silver 5th gens these days!).

Note sure if I'm coming to Japfest yet - if I do it'd be on my own lol. The long suffering wife isn't so keen on these events (can't blame her, seems to be less and less of anything other than spectator cars, and they seem to be dwindling in variety, mostly the civic asbo group today. Perhaps I'm just getting old.)

MIMMS Honda at Santa Pod 16th April 2023

Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2023 10:46 am
by wurlycorner
I was gutted mine was still in bits so couldn't make it :(
I love Mimms at the Pod, great track action against sensible/relevant cars and no massive queuing for said track.

MIMMS Honda at Santa Pod 16th April 2023

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2023 6:47 pm
by nalla
Does anyone have any photos they can upload?

Would be nice to see some

MIMMS Honda at Santa Pod 16th April 2023

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2023 9:15 pm
by Scott560
I didn't take my camera or take any photos! I got sent some in the group I'll upload shortly. I also paid for the professional photos, i'll upload in a moment.

Few vid links.

e Drag race lol. Rattys s660 and my e , seems to cut off before showing the rest of the ludes :( edited out it seems tiny bit here lol

Leaving vids: ratty leaving vtecmec leaving Carrisma and the other chap previously mentioned with the 27k mile mint vti me in the lude - cut the wife out in the e lol Richard / norks27 the red 4th gen whom I didn't get to speak to and Adrian in the mint 3rd gen Luke

MIMMS Honda at Santa Pod 16th April 2023

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2023 9:26 pm
by Scott560
Most important picture first, camera was a bit far away
Some pics of the e just because the tracking pictures make it look so cool and all the cleaning and waxing paid off!

MIMMS Honda at Santa Pod 16th April 2023

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2023 9:57 pm
by Scott560