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Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2017 4:57 am
by Ludee
Any updates on this build? How's the Magnaflow working for you? Trying to compare it with Flowmaster or Borla.

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2017 8:34 am
by wurlycorner
blackshadow you have fans hungry for info :D
How are things?

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2017 12:47 pm
by sol-lude
Just so happened upon this thread with Wurly commenting and having sat and read...awesomeness, very impressed. Where's the rest.

Re: '99 BB6 "nut and bolt" restoration.

Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2017 6:29 pm
by BlackShadow
Allo Allo...

The other day, it was a bit warmer so I went out the the garage to start up the Z for the first time in about a month or so. She fired right up. While I let the Z warm up I sat in the Prelude. I got to thinking how much I miss the Prelude. Yes, it is true, even with faster, and, more glamorous cars, the Prelude still has that je ne sais quois.

[tangent] I recall a few years ago, going to a meet, where there were some real old timers in attendance. These guys had owned, and, sold their Preludes years ago. We're talking original owners, now. Anyways, there was a guy there with a Porsche 911. Of course that made the Preludes look like toys by comparison. Naturally, everyone was looking at the 911. He even took a couple people for rides in it. After the hub-bub had died down, we were standing next to my Prelude, and, he said, "you know, I really miss these cars." I was taken aback. He said that he liked the Porsche, but it wasn't as much fun as the Prelude, referring to the stripped down driving experience of power steering, and, ABS, without any other nanny systems stepping in to water it down.

Everyone I have met, who has owned a Prelude always says how much they loved it, how it was a great car, and, invariably, how they regret selling it. Honda was on to a winner with that car. [/tangent]

Sitting in the Prelude, I got the urge to start working on it again. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love the Z, and, the Subaru is a blast to drive, especially in the winter, but those cars lack the simplicity of the Prelude. The Z is a beast on all fronts. The Subaru, while easy to work on, is a nightmare to get parts for. The Prelude on the other hand is relatively simple, and, parts are still available for them. I miss that. Working on the Prelude is like going home again.

Unfortunately, I will be moving soon, so I won't have time to do much on any of the cars. I am hoping to find a place with a workshop or large garage where I could possibly have a lift, and, room to store all of the cars indoors.

While clearing out the basement, in preparation for the move, I came across a box with a complete 5th gen JDM climate control inside. I forgot I had bought that. I think that may be the next project. I also came across a Honda in-dash phone that I had laying around. I decided I'd get creative, so I installed it under the radio. Unfortunately, I suspect, due to the cold, the carbon fibre [look] radio bezel shattered like glass when I was removing it. I had a crappy looking spare one laying around to install as a place holder, until I get a new one.



More updates to come...

Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2017 8:07 pm
by wurlycorner
Honda carphone is 8-)

Re: '99 BB6 "nut and bolt" restoration.

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2018 10:26 pm
by BlackShadow
I have been tinkering with a couple of odds and ends...

Nowhere near done, but, just thought I'd let you all know I'm still alive.



Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2018 12:55 am
by NafemanNathan
If it wouldn't get dirty I'd say your car should be bonnetless! Everything is so smooth it'd probably have less resistance as well! :lol:

Re: '99 BB6 "nut and bolt" restoration.

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2018 6:57 pm
by BlackShadow
Keeping it clean is a horrifying thought... It's easy to get it this clean when it is in pieces, but, once everything is bolted together... :cry:

More work done. All by hand. Casting marks removed, sanded, polished. This piece took about two hours to get to this point. The dizzy casing is two days and counting. The VTEC solenoid is going to be a nightmare with all of it's details.



Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2018 1:53 pm
by thusee
:hail: :hail:

awesome work man! Great job with the polishing :D

Re: '99 BB6 "nut and bolt" restoration.

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2018 1:40 am
by BlackShadow
Tiny update on the project:

Today, our glorious, sent-from-heaven above, savior and premier of Ontario, Doug Ford, made an announcement that will impact this project.

He announced today that, as of April 1, 2019, Ontario will completely scrap the outdated (tax grab/scam) "DriveClean" emissions test program for passenger cars.

DriveClean was a huge problem for me, as my car is OBD2, and, requires a scam-tastic OBD scan emission test. So, if you have an OBD1 ECU, you fail. If you have a CEL, you fail. It didn't matter if the car belched out cyanide gas, or, rainbows, it was a fail. This made the build, and selecting parts extremely difficult. With the announcement of this BS being scrapped, the fetters have been cast off, and, I am now really only limited by my budget. I can buy what I want, without having to worry about CELs, OBD1/2 switching, and, emission tests.

:) The game is back on...