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Re: Greg-SiR's 1992 Jdm Si Vtec

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2016 1:20 pm
by Greg-SiR
Holidays,birthdays and another annoying headcold and everything else life throws at you :lol: and here i am ready to sort out this car and get it motoring again.

I managed to track down the second last owner through another lude group here and seems the next owner wasn't as fastidious but never the less it hasn't been neglected to a bad point.

I got a pic of it in it's heyday sent on to me


I was told it had a minor front bang and bumper and nostrils plate holder :x were all replaced under repair and Oz spec products used,they must have had fun figuring out the fogs in the swap,if it was me i woud have insisted on even the small detail of the original plate holder!

Next job is pulling that off as i hate it,i have to take front bumper off soon enough as the fog units screws are all fooked and decayed so i'll have to get stuck in there to change/upgrade the bulbs anyhow.

Been messing with some metal polish on the rims which i found out from the owner they are Enkei's,good results from a quick stint on some tainted rims




Yes i know the "after" shots seem to get more light and 2 pics aswell :lol: ,always the way! and i do most jobs at night,i must invest in some proper worklights though,seriously :oops:

Promising and only some minor scuffing to attend to on them.

Next hump is the fans not coming on,i had another look see just there and swapped the under dash 15A fuse and fan relay under the hood and no luck,i jumped the radiator fan and it came on then.....


I had let the car idle last week,longest yet 15 mins or so and took it for a quick spin about another 15mins and let it idle with the hood down on return for a bit longer and had not heard the fan come on.

A/C on does nothing either for both fans.

First road spin was overall very good,have noticed knock from the Rhs driveshaft on entering driveways and certain corners,looks like my boot kit revival may have been in vain.

I'll still put it in for inspection though and see what turns up,wait and see,would love to get these fans blowing though :evil:

I do recall they worked wit A/C on the very first key turn upon receiving the car..?

Anyone been here before?

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2016 11:59 pm
by JEBB4
Hey bud, good to see this still on the boil...
Car was a stunner back in the day pal 8-)

On to the fan issue, what's going on with the two blue wires coming out of the plug? Looks like they go into the coolant hose from the picture :?

have you got a multimeter, maybe test the continuity of the fan switch.. Or swap the one from your other lude.. If the fans work when fed with power and the relay and fuse are ok it's pointing toward the switch at fault, or a very specific air lock which won't budge but that's very unlikely..

Re: Greg-SiR's 1992 Jdm Si Vtec (Test imminent,Fans No Go)

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2016 12:45 pm
by Greg-SiR
Hey mate that was just me jumping the fan switch in the pic,Blue paperclip :lol: a small triumph as the fan came on.
I have a Mugen fan switch lying around so i will put that in and try again at least i won't have to wait as long to see if the fan turns.
Not bothered about the A/c one just yet just want the car daily ready.
Ran out of time at the weekend,typical,only small job but everything gets queued!
No multi-meter,should probably acquire one though at this stage..

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2016 9:58 pm
by JEBB4
oh i see, that should do the trick i reckon.. ha always the way, did you get my P.M mate?

Re: Greg-SiR's 1992 Jdm Si Vtec,Test imminent

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2016 12:10 pm
by Greg-SiR
So swapped in the new fan switch and bingo left it idling and after 10 or so minutes fan kicked in,will do for now.
Sorry JEBB4 just checking it now ;)

Re: Greg-SiR's 1992 Jdm Si Vtec,Test Passed :)

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2016 12:48 pm
by Greg-SiR
Good girl!First time too,saved me some $$$'s :D


Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2016 10:26 pm
by JEBB4
brilliant job mate!!!
Now get out there and enjoy it 8-)

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2016 11:28 am
by vanzep
good result on the first time pass 8-)

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2016 7:50 pm
by wurlycorner
Great news. And coolant switch swap was a nice easy fix 8-)

Re: Greg-SiR's 1992 Jdm Si Vtec,Test Passed :)

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2016 12:51 pm
by Greg-SiR
The old coolant switch looked pretty worn in fairness.looking forward to the new daily,have some weeks to save for reg and plates plus putting some $$$'s aside for headers for the other one are putting a pull on the pocket,how much can i get away with is the question :lol:

2 months or 2000kms before the test expires so i will be using the 2 months close enough to the deadline.

Then there is the little Gremlins that lurke underneath once driven in again,these i can't wait for!